
Currency rates for payment card transactions

Currency rates for transactions with payment cards on 25 April 2024
Currency code Sell Buy
EUR/UAH 42.8400 41.9300
EUR/USD 1.0923 1.0517
USD/UAH 39.8900 39.1400
Archive of exchange rates for payment card operations
Currency code Sell Buy
EUR/UAH 42.8400 41.9300
EUR/USD 1.0923 1.0517
USD/UAH 39.8900 39.1400

Please note that when making transactions in foreign currency using payment cards, the Bank additionally blocks 6% of the currency selling rate and 5% for EURO and USD.

The blocking is needed due to differences in exchange rates used by the Visa payment system and Ukrainian banks. The main goal is to prevent the negative balance (unauthorized overdraft) on the accounts.
